Tuesday, May 8, 2018


I started with computer at my home in 1982. I was not married yet. It was perhaps called Tandy 80. It had a very simple command Interface called CP/M. about 16 K memory. 8 lines display of 80 characters and it was quite a thrill. No card punching no waiting run output no operator. You learn to optimize. The language is Basic.

Couple of days back I searched for BASIC in Internet I found one that runs in all available desk top OS, Linux, iOS, Windows, and MSDOS etc. Also it can create executable incorporating C functions plus it can draw in my screen as in same old days, play music etc.

Why do I have to travel back in time. I have over two hundred books acquired in last one year on current technology. None of them is worth reading. The authors are so called founder of new technology selling time for Cloud - it is their sales efforts.

I have talked about Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple in this business of fooling people. In my recent encounter with most Global Consulting Organizations. The current state of the art technology do not deliver no matter how solidly they are backed by US based stock market.

Couple days back I refused to listen to Raghu who quite foolishly think China cannot develop technology. However in US we including Apple, Google, Microsoft, depend on China for survival besides US government support.

It is unbelievable but true the technology promoted by US tech savvy corporations are great building efforts of white ants that has already destroyed US technical edge forever.


 We have now resorted to banning technology from China, Japan Korea and elsewhere. A simple example is my ZTE Phone. US is about to ban all ZTE phone in public places, since ZTE is selling them to Iran. The phone cost me $340 two years back. There is no defect observed till now. Never fails to diver. One charge lasts me for at least a day. Unlike Samsung or iPhone my family members use and they have to change every year. Battery problem or just gets locked. It takes hours to come into life, cannot even reset!

I am wasting lot of time and money to study current technology if they have any good in them. So far the founders produced so many books on their technology but failed to complete any project to anybody's satisfaction.

It was in late 70 and early 80 there was lot of research on data organization that facilitates reporting. Before that we had to run through several files simultaneously, several sorting etc and at the end report is sought. This reports can be utility bills or pay checks.

Today's technology is pushing us back to the same days in 60-70s. They have invented new names for such technology calling it Machine Learning in the process eliminating any correctness that we were accustomed to 50 years back.  

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