Saturday, April 14, 2018

Intelligent is idiot

I am not very fond of intelligence however accurate and accepted. I do not evaluate how often it may predict correctly even when it is100 out of 100 times observed - so far.

Statistics is a Lie.

My spouse is constantly predicting and imposing her prediction on me - I have to tolerate and I am bored. She is always correct and I cannot shake her belief. If I do, it is hell on earth. Her noise would bring the sky fall on my head.

My dislike is same for human or animal or plant or machine intelligence.

Beliefs I most distrust including my all beliefs. I am hopeless but learn to tolerate with occasional outburst.

I learnt addition subtraction multiplication division square root etc when I was child. I also learn to do the same using abacus and Facit. The principal did not change but I did not try to excel. Later in machine/computer, it was built in functionality - arithmetic operations. Language came in to write programs to do arithmetic with any number of digits and precision;  I used the same principal I used for my hand calculation that I learnt as a child.

However I did not extend my arithmetic knowledge in prediction using time date age or stars position or any other statistical observation or accepted laws of science or market. I have done such calculation but without believing in my prediction. I did not have any confidence in Type I or Type 2 error and their estimations either.

It is not possible to Predict without making assumption.

I remember simulating river flows from past data and constructing dam canal based on the same; going even further to optimize harnessing the same for production - Industry agriculture or electricity etc. I did not believe my calculation be ever correct in predicting future even if followed 100%.

Future is always same and remains unpredictable.

Is this not my hypothesis? Not believing too is a belief.

For me wide application of human intelligence to humanoid is a danger. I cannot imagine the danger of all vehicle being humanoid and all traffic controllers too are same humanoid optimizing incidents; and further humanoid observing the results and optimizing the same. Whole system thus established shall definitely collapse because any assumption that accident is preventable with any amount of accuracy or chance that is certainly Not true.

Machine intelligence is based on Observations. Curve fitting that optimizes an Error function. Predicting on Tests. Comparing Result with Actual. Giving an estimate of accuracy.

Whole thing is FALSE!

Truth does perhaps exist but I do not know.

yin I don't know. yang too I don't know.

thinking i know, doing i know, seeing i know, sound i know, words i know - however i don't know their usefulness

both magic and magician forever remain unknown to me, the witness or observer

there is no value that has any value ~ model of illusion if exist I do not know

I am born with one truth before I learnt - I do not know and that remain true even this moment.

Predictably I shall never know ever.

I have no choice - I do not know - not even this without any further imagination

I do not know any cure

reason is no reason

tensed is relaxed

matter is no matter

important is not important 

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