I have imagined planet earth other planets sun stars and sky.
Imagination of all creatures big and small is complete and visible to my senses and so called intelligence. I have already intelligent is an idiot who suffers entire life time. Time is an imagination of my fertile my mind. As much as all god and devil.
I imagined all sensible and senses. Light sound gravity electricity heat ... And learnt to tell from one to the other. I have also learnt sense from writing and vice versa.
Then I got trapped in gravity and cannot fly.
Then I got trapped in gravity and cannot fly.
I wrongly cannot imagine my self neutral that I have to remain bounded by my senses.
The escapade from imagination is idiocy the inability to imagine. While negation is equal in meaning, wrong is good, right is good and good is bad. Bad is good. I do go round and round. My intelligence make me go round and round. It is almost impossible to get out of it. Not even when I am naked ir alone. My mind is forever in circular path.
Like all my writing or thinking.
I had gone on this trip for 4 days and night and could not get out. I starved and did not have the ability to fetch food and survive. All due to my intelligence.
There was no escapade. I learnt a very big lesson, biggest perhaps my intelligence is my gravity or blinding to my senses. I notice no pleasure or joy because of my intelligence.
I had gone on this trip for 4 days and night and could not get out. I starved and did not have the ability to fetch food and survive. All due to my intelligence.
There was no escapade. I learnt a very big lesson, biggest perhaps my intelligence is my gravity or blinding to my senses. I notice no pleasure or joy because of my intelligence.
Joy is not this or that. Yes or no. Agreement or disagreement. Joy is not what I think. Joy is being neutral to all happenings around me and not understanding any or perceiving any or inability to predict any in near or long term.
Joy is result of idiocy. Joy is of being a fool or fooled by a baby who does not know.
I did not set upon to write what I wrote just now. I wrote them millions time already. I assume perhaps repeating the same circular thought I can escape from that but it is not possible. I am getting some ability to see my thought but not quite. I get engaged in writing my thoughts. I cannot stop my intelligence.
Anyway I am an idiot and mad too.
I went out pausing me.
It is about May, however, temperature still hovering around 32F and snowing at times. Pole is gravitating towards Ohio.
Sometimes, not always intelligence is joy. I am thinking. Imagination is trap. In mathematics it is called closed set. All sequence in its territory or set is bounded by it. I cannot ever imagine anything that I cannot see. In my case it means that I cannot be ever original. Or First.
What ever intelligence, I may imagine it is like me only. Only other thing, I may imagine is not imaginable and it is one and only one and I cannot see yet experience that my self.
What ever intelligence, I may imagine it is like me only. Only other thing, I may imagine is not imaginable and it is one and only one and I cannot see yet experience that my self.
It deserves a name. Ancestor of this bounded set of imaginations with name. There are other names that exists but untagged with name since I did not have time. However I can look them up in Internet in some image or words.
In other words I cannot ever imagine to see an intelligence from anywhere in the heaven that is not like me - fool and thinking.
All search for intelligence is total foolish. Since we shall never find one as long as my imagined time line and space and events exist.
However my set of imagination are all duplicates of Ancestor.
In the symbolic language of mathematics - ancestor is {} while Me is {{}, {{}}, {{{}}}, {{{{}}}}, .....}. here each {...} means an imagination of me. The first ancestor is {}, its child is {{}} and so on.
No wonder I am suffering from Alzheimer. That is perhaps a relief. Otherwise I am not only prisoner of my imagination, i am gate keeper and gardener of my imaginations. I am senseless idiot prisoner of my imagination belief and faith. Each pair of { } are my lockes i have bolted from my side to save me ruime by outside world.
There is none and nothing. Not even me. Not even words. Not even senses. To sense.
Only that.
Philosophy apart - I am not honorable even in my own evaluation and my norm
Only that.
Philosophy apart - I am not honorable even in my own evaluation and my norm
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