Saturday, April 14, 2018

Index of WWW pages based on contents

Without resorting to cheating people and companies based on selling private and personal information of users of internet - I wish there is a clean public fund to Create an Index of all searchable WWW pages. This search engine may not be Free but survive on philanthropy and membership (individual, university, municipality, country etc.) only.

Potentially, this shall be richer in content and delivery throughput than any other profiting Internet company to compete.

I wish to kill Google Bing Yahoo Face Book all cheats in one single stoke and their business model of thieving supported by US' brand of Capitalism and free market.

The search engine should be intelligent enough to understand conditions of varied search criteria. It should be possible to make search within search results with further conditions or constraint and relaxation of previous constraint.

This shall be based on A Index Table of contents - keywords, fragments, symbols, date, author, region, time of origin, reference, comments, kind of artifact ==>> URI with Likelihood (%) of success. It is not very difficult to make there are thousands of Choices. But I wish that it is Just Complete and ever expanding each day with thousands of crawler roaming the Internet, indexing and and making 1000s of stratified tables based on some criteria I have just mentioned.

I tried to access any such Index Table even for payment on monthly basis. I was promised one but that has perhaps gone belly up -  sold to any of this Internet Monster Apple Google Face Book Microsoft or Yahoo....

This must be in place for the sake of Knowledge and further enhancement of human enlightenment from written words.

This must be non-profiting endeavor for the sake of humanity.


  1. Excellent idea, its critical for knowledge to survive

  2. Excellent idea, its critical for knowledge to survive
