Most of my learning is by myself. But I appreciate many teachings and teachers at ISI. My indebtedness towards them. I learnt to reason starting with assumption and concluding. Results without much mincing of words an acceptable conclusion. I always avoided debate on correctness. I almost never took any help even from my elder brothers. I was very weak in english language Dada once taught me a story line by line of a english story in my text. I was very weak in Sanskrit, masima taught me for an hour but I did not learn anything. sanskrit was a nightmare for me. to this day after 55 years I remember my sanskrit teacher. I dream my lesson will not be over unless like duly get passing marks. chhorda's help I took once solving some exercises that I undertook on my own for MB Rao's measure theory in M2. They were very tough problems and I was not getting any ideas. I asked Chhorda and he solved them effortlessly. I did not much appreciate its brevity and usefulness. I was at home with real analysis. Although I did some amount of Complex Number all related to characteristic function and moments determine the probability density function but I could not find much utility of this and knowing more about hyperbolic functions. The other day Soham asked my help on Hyperbolic functions and some tables, instead of learning the same in order to teach him. I flatly refused and said I do not know. I never studied that.
All the words above indicates I have passion for learning all by myself. I buy books passionately till I get the hang of it. I have many hundreds of books in computer that are in beginners level with strange name. I keep on buying such pocket books. I also read from internet about new programming language and technology in elementary level. Logic and set theory I devoted lot of time but I did not appreciate them Though I spent 40 years studying me.
I de-loused me. expertly taking them out from every crevices of my head without resorting to any other means and finally catching it crushing it.
Louse is a belief of mine and it multiplies if I don't crush it.
There were three lights on me - ma chhorda and dada - them enabled me to study me under microscope discovering { }s and eliminating them. some are very deep believes. {{{...{{..{{.... ....}}}}...}}. Discovering them requires lot of time and I have that time in plenty.
All the words above indicates I have passion for learning all by myself. I buy books passionately till I get the hang of it. I have many hundreds of books in computer that are in beginners level with strange name. I keep on buying such pocket books. I also read from internet about new programming language and technology in elementary level. Logic and set theory I devoted lot of time but I did not appreciate them Though I spent 40 years studying me.
I de-loused me. expertly taking them out from every crevices of my head without resorting to any other means and finally catching it crushing it.
Louse is a belief of mine and it multiplies if I don't crush it.
There were three lights on me - ma chhorda and dada - them enabled me to study me under microscope discovering { }s and eliminating them. some are very deep believes. {{{...{{..{{.... ....}}}}...}}. Discovering them requires lot of time and I have that time in plenty.
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