Friday, June 8, 2018

self dharma simulation intelligence ~ revisited

It is about 100 years ago Fisher formulated predictive intelligence based on observations. He was of course limited by technology. Although we have not improved upon his theory but we are today able to make observations via satellite or observations from ground based equipment that can be used for prediction for years to come. When I did Narmada Sagar simulation I was limited by only 25 years hourly data.But I could construct Dam Canal and their operation by optimizing some benefit function.

Today when I simulate a child and observe him or her daily activities. I transparently see their observations database and their recollection and eventual operations. They learn toys how to operate as well as play various music or render voices to tune.

In a way they learn to observe and get simulated output in a predictable manner. Lot of learning activity and time passing activities by them in natural way by way of experiments and observations by them. I also observe them when they are sleeping - they are recording activities paused.

I am an automation and filing cabinet for my observational data useful for my simulation and activities. Some observations I no longer simulate because of unpleasant (disappointing) experience. Why simulate unpleasantness?

I do have a choice - NO SIMULATION.

I am talking about my intelligence. ~ filing of observations indexed by events in my life and tagging the events and observation in a chronological manner in (sequence). I also filed a large failure in prediction that I could not verify because of lack of observations by me and via communications over unreliable channel. Even then I could not stop my simulation.

I wish to predict but often there is no way to see correctness of my prediction.

I realize now it is stupid of me to simulate. It is useless activity. I was once so absorbed in simulation that I realized I have no control over me to do something far important that gives me horse power to do simulation. I stopped Food Water Air and was unable to move!

I cannot now go on doing simulation and draw some conclusion. Simulation and correctness are my presumptions. My Observations is all wrong and no longer valid. Narmada water flows are no indication of water flowing down the river now or in future.

Fishers observations were limited to mortal eye observations on various varieties of IRIS flowers. Suppose there is some superior way of identifying any flower to be Iris and non Iris based on more observable criteria and identifying different variety on spanning many years. We can train ourselves flower classification expert. Now we receive another flower and classify it based on our observation model but it can be totally faulty. It may be hoax and not a flower at all except for appearance.

I have stopped observing adults or simulate their behavior. I need not predict. Nor it is satisfying to be correct on my predictions. I certainly wish to limit myself present and observations required to activities I am engaged in and do not look to sell. I am definitely not interested in predicting good bad win loss pain or pleasure - whatever I am NOT WILLING TO LEARN anymore.

I observed Dr. C R Rao, our 95 years old x-director of ISI, that he is still enjoying mean variance and looking to give some lectures. He is very much predictable automaton! Very much motivated by gold money mike and audience. He undertakes travel many thousand miles to give lectures and believes in giving away simulated results as truth. He is still self hypnotized with truth of HIS generalized theory of estimation! He does not ever doubt that he is 100% wrong. A life wasted on the pursuit of wealth an honor. He is blinder than Dhritarastra who had never seen light.

I am past the stage of learning from observation and simulation since I know the results before simulating. I know the end results and I am not curious by my diagnosis or fallibility. I can not be moved by pleasure pain win loss JOY or GRIEF. There is no good and bad.

Based on my observations, I construct a model for an Object. I can go into details to make the object realistic to bluff any person listening to me. However it remains far from being truth. When I simulate, looking to be success or appreciated, I have model for object. I may give it some some randomness on some identified dimension. They are the object's Dharma. I have also made life time observations on me - I have a model of me - it is my Dharma.

Dharma is a differentiator that makes object of its unique kind separate from any other. My body, my mind, my intelligence .... salt sugar air water....

What is my model of me?

I am revisiting another of my writing on Dharma where I possibly wrote 20 Dharma of me. I missed that Dharma that differentiate all other objects from me.

I am container for all object identifiable by me. All objects observable by me or may exist, must always remain within me but separate from me. I am the only object not observable and free. There is no similarity. It is impossible. I notice any object only when it is lit by me and brought to my notice and not otherwise. No objects can ever escape my black immeasurable infinite gravity well. Nothing ever escapes me.

I am not my observations. I am not my observations of my body. I am not my observation of my intelligence. I am not observations of mind. I am not my observations of my senses. I am not my observations of aptitudes. I am not observations of my memory. I am not any of my observation. I am not my conclusions. I am not my model and the only one being so. I possess no memory of me.

I cannot but see all without exception.


 I see (realize) my addiction to future prediction and what others think of me knowing fully well there is no others and no future past present or a moment. I do no longer simulate my success or failure with any model of mine on my collection of observation. It is impossible to expect. I know.

I do not think or wish to find out what any is saying or thinking about me. My set of observation is trash. I know.

I do not think what caused any moment and the root cause for any event. I know.

I know nothing - neither good nor bad ever can happen to me. I remain forever imperceptible.


Knowing what I know, I trash all my observations. They are no longer or of any use. There is no moment and no future. Only now. I know my Dharma. Is another object? I do not know.

[In case one, it is none but me entirely - my imagination - my simulation - my perception - my prediction.]

Object may not know its Dharma; but I know for sure, it is not anyway my trove of observations. I cannot release him from the object's suffering by doing anything. Nor can I remove his or her or its blindness. I can do nothing but I see all the sufferings. They are only mine.

My intelligence is of no use but blinding obstacle. I can no longer classify any as good or bad. My memory or recollection is of no use. I cannot even sell them as stories. 

What is bad? Is poverty bad? Is there any thing bad - HIV Ebola Famine Rape? Can one exist without my knowledge? Can I ever learn from my observations? Can I ever NOT see?

What is wrong? Is robbing killing cheating lying or harming wrong? Is shame fear anger grief lust failure frustration or sex wrong? Can any wrong be performed without my doing?

Am I doing wrong, if I remember imagine simulate conclude or perform for pleasure? Can I ever do wrong?

Nothing to remember  nothing to forget nothing to expect. All is same and identical despite their dharma ~ bad is good. right is wrong. pain is pleasure. active is inactive thinking is do I differentiate or research on shadows or my hypotheses on what basis - observations of shadows from superior microscope or superior telescope?

I condone myself, even if none ever does ~ I know I am inhuman selfish rebel harmful fraud culprit liar absconding thief murderer insane maniac greedy hideous ugly physically mentally defective diseased contagious dependent insolvent disabled unsocial wild uncivil pest parasite unchangeable brute raper milf scum skunk ..... bad, worse than worst.

I have no grievance for being so. I accept my self as I am. I accept as I was any time in the past. I accept myself as any perceives or perceived or shall perceive me. I accept whatever I may become in future. I receive all and see all, including un-bearables, in complete silence without choice ~ I am final absolute without peer parent elder co-ordinates now or home.


Upanishads: Leader of Senses, Indra, sent Wind to find out about an entity.

Wind introduced himself, "I can blow up trees, house, structures and whatever that may obstruct me."

That placed a blade of grass and asked to blow that. Wind tried hard and then gave up. He informed Indra. Indra now sent Water to find.

"I can flood away mountain with my might", he said.

That placed a blade of grass and asked Water to flood that away. Water tried hard but could not. He came back related this to Indra. Indra now sent Fire to find out.

"I can burn Jungle to ashes with my might", Fire introduced himself. That placed a blade of grass and asked Fire to burn it. Fire failed. He informed Indra about the se could not find That. That was absent.

That is Know-er of Brahman - the broadest mind.


all (dharma) is my personal private imagination and non-sharable experience  


enough is enough.
I have no faith in my education and my intelligence. The observations that I have made 68+ years is erroneous and trash. there is no value in it. It is a burden. However I am fully convinced about what I have just stated. I have concluded about my dharma and and what I sense its dharma. What I sese is my hallucination. While I am container of day in day out hallucination - it is trash not collectible and retain-able.  
I am enough. I trash all my memory. I will never recollect any as true or valid now or in future. I trash all witnesses for any past or their analysis. 

I do without all without exception. I do not care if they exist or not - my memories. They are not required now. I detach myself completely from all my memories. I am thoroughly prepared for any future knowing nothing, recognizing nothing, thinking nothing. doing nothing.

I do not remember. 

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