Sunday, May 27, 2018


No matter what I do or don't, I am peaceful. Further I observe that that I am not on my own. I am play acting or doing as per script. No more than a puppet. Some body showing me and leading me to discover joy of peace.

Non thinking freedom from people. Private living even amidst people.

Abhimunya drawn by Veda Vyasa in Mahabharata knew before birth how to enter the fort of people but did not know how to get out. I too knew how to get into the fort of people by mere listening to pattern of noise made around me. Naturally.

I am discovering now how to get out. It is my compulsion to enjoy my life and without concern what any thinks. I am liberating me from people in my own self directed way. 

Periodically Active and inactive. Observing and discovering my progress but forever subservient to the Master Me and making less and less of me. I have more or less banned myself pleasure from people.

Peace is in my world and me. I am in harmony with my world, more or less - not many memorable incidences I notice.

I am able to enjoy days as they are without trying to exercise or restraining my senses and without passing judgement on quality. I enjoy playing games with children. Teaching Cecilia to draw and reading stories. I enjoy reading technology. I enjoy writing. I enjoy cycling tour of my neighborhood.  gardening. I search for watchable movies without drama.

I have written against companies such as Apple Google Facebook Microsoft Yahoo selling my information for profit. They are asking me now - use it or leave it as only options I must chose. I cannot; in case of Microsoft, I have already invested my time and money so long - starting from 1980. Apple I do not use. I shall soon drop my Yahoo account for email and entertainment. I have dropped out of Facebook. I do not like to be known. Them are monster courtesy Federal money Donation.

I asked Google - I have two accounts there, and I use Chrome browser Android OS in my phone. I use Apps such as Search, Map, Cloud, and this Blog itself - now for about 16 years. My Personal Information Finance Assets Social Security ... Google knows them all. They shall them and they are about Trillion Dollar Company.

According to them, they have about total 12 GB Zipped data on me and about 250 UserId-Passwords in their store. I have downloaded them. How do I restrict them to sell my information? Do I have a choice?

My sincere hope for long - there shall be an Internet Web Index for contents search with interface that is truly useful for Knowledge learning and Research. Wikipedia is very good but it is not WorldWide Search Index Table!

Right now it is Moronic waste of time to make search; unless you are searching to buy something that you already know exists or your purse permits. Any research is impossible. My searches take three hours or more and ends in disappointment always unless I know quite a bit of things of an article.

Search must be possible to locate reading material on a topic, time-period, concept, then-belief, Dewey Decimal Classification,  Language, News Item, Magazines, Reports, Summary, Key-words as we do in a University Library...

Currently Search Engines assume Date Author Title Book ISBN Names Language format publisher and very-restricted-Key-Words. We are listed only 10 remotely useful material in each iteration of searching combined with 20 advertisements. While my expectation for Reported items is above 500 with relevancy measures. This list should further be re-searchable till I get what I am looking for. Today all search engines are intended to aid advertisers only. It is Time Passing Entertainment for all young and old.

Fortunately, I do not use Instagram Whats-app etc. But I use Amazon eBay and other-on-line stores for my purchases. I am about to stop using Amazon for my purchases. I do not care if they collect my PI. That much I am public via Internet Toy making monsters from US. My PI is traded by them - 5 trillion in assets in a 100 trillion world economy. I am trying to be harmonious with them. 

I am trying to be harmonious with my world, me, my disease, and my affected body mind and thinking. I am trying to overcome my losses and by reducing my need. I am in fasting mode. I am trying to be less and lesser. I am trying to live on what I get from my world without asking. I cut my coat as per cloth - availability. I do not ask wish or demand. I wish to be happy always.

I am trying to be silent - noiseless and content.

I am struggling for my Liberation and not my existence or fair share. I wish to be forgotten and without history and without any footprint. Even if there is world after me it shall not have my bones, mummy,  fossil, footprint, or my words  anywhere...

I wish to be without me in my life before my demise.

My aim is my absence. I have to personally see my absence in my world.

My world and me is inseparably related.

Supposing, I am inversely Proportional to my world.  

Absolute = Me / My-World

My-World ∝ 1/Me

In words, 

when I am lesser than less, the world is bigger than big >>> I am free and have plenty.

when I am bigger than big, the world is lesser than less >>> I am prisoner and famished.

Supposing, my world is Proportional to me. I am irreducible indivisible and absent - Absolute - the only constant I know

Me ∝  My-World

What is my world? 

My world is what I think it is with my knowledge experience and words

I am committed to discover and make my world for my people

~ ~ the purest cleanest blissful inexhaustible source of plenty 

~ ~ ~ without me ~ without blemish ~ without future ~ without history ~ without my knowledge ~ without a moment's delay

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